Monday, December 30, 2019
Who Shot Johnny A Portrait of Youth Violence Essay
Who Shot Johnny? As humans we strive to live in a utopian environment, free of elements of aggression, greed, and violence. Most of us try to live a healthy and satisfying life, gaining from opportunities that we have sought and worked hard for. We take life as it comes, and we accept the challenges and difficulties that life puts out as we continue on no matter how hard it gets. However, there are a multitude of people who tend to think that life is just too hard and that they should be handed everything on a silver platter. Greed and violence begin to factor into their life as they continue in their set ways. They think that the world should revolve around their every need and that life is unbearably hard and unjustly unfair. These†¦show more content†¦In Debra Dickersons essay Who Shot Johnny? she makes it a point to declare that who ever shot her nephew Johnny isnt someone that she has never encountered before. This person is not unlike many of the other negative people in this world, in fact this person can be effectively categorized as a negative trait in itself. Debra Dickerson says: When the call came, my first thought was the same on Id had when Id heard about Rosa Parkss beating: a brother did it. A non-job-having, middle-of-the-day malt-liquor-drinking, crotch-clutching, loud-talking brother with many neglected children born of many forgotten women. He lives in his mothers basement with furniture rented at an astronomical interest rate, the exact amount of which he does not know. He has a car phone, an $80 monthly cable bill and every possible phone feature but no savings. He steals Social Security numbers from unsuspecting relatives and assumes their identities to acquire large TV sets for which he will never pay. (234) Dickerson realizes that this person isnt a person that is new to the world, instead this is a person who has plagued Dickerson and her family as well as the rest of the world. This is the person whom has tried their hardest to control everything and make life a living shit hole for everyone else living alongside them. Dickerson also writes, We know him. Weve known and feared him all ourShow MoreRelatedHonorable Style in Dishonorable Times: American Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s6221 Words  | 25 Pagesthe radio and the movies as well as the development of flight induced excitement and fostered a vision of a society engaged in perpetual technological advancement (Mordden 47). [...] Horatio Alger, Jr. and his late nineteenth-century books- portraits of men who, born underprivileged, rose to wealth and success through hard work, honesty, self-confidence, commitment, and a bit of luck (Weiss 53-54) - characterized the progressive spirit, as it encouraged people to work hard for a b etter future andRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 Pagesyourself with a case, identify problems and propose strategic actions that increase the probability that a ï ¬ rm will achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. EXHIBIT 2 Step 1: Gaining familiarity a In general – determine who, what, how, where and when (the critical facts of the case). b In detail – identify the places, persons, activities and contexts of the situation. c Recognise the degree of certainty/uncertainty of acquired information. a List all indicators (includingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesSmile†All Around the World? 108 Self-Assessment Library What’s My Emotional Intelligence Score? 115 An Ethical Choice Schadenfreude 120 Point/Counterpoint Sometimes Blowing Your Top Is a Good Thing 122 Questions for Review 121 Experiential Exercise Who Can Catch a Liar? 123 Ethical Dilemma Happiness Coaches for Employees 123 Case Incident 1 Is It Okay to Cry at Work? 124 Case Incident 2 Can You Read Emotions from Faces? 124 S A L S A L 5 Personality and Values 131 Personality
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Signs of Unproductive/Unmotivated Students - 1826 Words
#61656; Absenteeism Ââ€" constant and repeated absenteeism. Lateness Ââ€" late to several#61656; classes. Poor performance Ââ€" produced work is of low quality and#61656; quantity. Labour turnover Ââ€" many classmates leaving, often because of an#61656; unsolved issue. Greviances Ââ€" complaints are important red signals that#61656; should be taken under consideration AND solved during that time. Poor#61656; response rate Ââ€" students dont give as much answers as the teachers ask and expect, with no encouragement. Attitude Ââ€" a students personal attitude#61656; towards other colleagues or/and teachers, towards school. FACTORS: Lack of time and Respect Workload, Class Environment and Working Conditions Organization and Schedule Esteem,†¦show more content†¦Esteem, Responsibility and Access A students self-esteem is a need to stay motivated Ââ€" maybe one of the clearest factors that will explain the students situation. Students can, time by time, feel that they arent capable of doing a task/subject, or feel unappreciated, thinking that other students are better than itself. A teacher should always make sure a student doesnt feel that way and make sure to encourage that no other student is better than others, that the result of another student is not impossible to achieve for anyone. Apart from that, a teacher can also increase a students self-esteem, even motivational level, by giving responsibility to the student. Having in mind that a student is its own individual, any person (not only a student) will feel trusted at some degree which will increase ones self-esteem. Allowing students access to different facilities will make its effort in motivation and productivity because, again Ââ€" access relates to trust and responsibility, all relating to motivation and productivity. Student-teacher relation and Unfair Grades While spending the majority of the day with other students and teachers, the bond between the teacher and the student is relatively important. This bond differs from school environments, but it is generally important for all environments to have some kind of a student justice and freedom plan. Students being soShow MoreRelatedEssay on Management skill23177 Words  | 93 Pagesare positive. Answer: TRUE Explanation: This is true because positive relationships foster cooperation among people, so that things that get in the way of highly successful performancesuch as conflict, disagreements, confusion and ambiguity, unproductive competition, anger, and personal offenseare minimized. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 238 Topic: Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships Skill: Recall 2) Studies have found that people make fewer mental errors when experiencingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesfrom 23 to 9. Preface Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Organizational Behavior! Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, this edition continues its tradition of making current, relevant research come alive for students. While maintaining its hallmark featuresâ€â€clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and engaging pedagogyâ€â€the fourteenth edition has been updated to reflect the most recent research within the field of organizational behavior. This is one of the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ethan Frome Free Essays
Logan Leiter Mrs. Fiedler English 10. 1 12 October 2012 Ethan Frome: Fate No, I don’t believe Ethan, Zeena and Mattie deserve their fates. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethan Frome or any similar topic only for you Order Now I don’t think it’s right to deserve fate, if it is forced upon them. The actions of other characters led to their fates. For example, in the story Edith Wharton wrote this, â€Å"It was the fate she was forcing on Mattie – why not let her try it herself†¦ †(203). Since Mattie was employed to Zeena and Ethan, she could not have demanded to stay when she was sent away because they were hiring someone new. Mattie had no control over the situation, so she had no control over her fate. The only character who really had control over their situation would be Ethan. He never could find the courage to stand up to Zeena. He was angered, but chose not to express it to conceal his relationship with Mattie. Therefore, Mattie had no control over his decision which led to her fate. Zeena’s fate could have been changed multiple times in the book. Ethan could have ran off with Mattie and left the farm in Zeena’s hands with all the financial troubles along with it. However, Ethan’s conscience catches up with him before he could ever make his move. So Zeena’s fate was also influenced by another character. This forced-fate was a reoccurring theme throughout the book, it just hides in the text. That is why I believe the characters did not deserve their fate. Another example of fate being forced upon a character was when Ethan and Mattie made the decision to commit suicide. In the story, Edith Wharton wrote this, â€Å"Her sombre violence constrained him: she seemed the embodied instrument of fate. †(258). The book says Mattie constrained Ethan to join her on the sled. This led to his fate and he hardly had any control over his feelings for Mattie. However, something that I noticed while reading the novel was how none of the characters would stand up for themselves. Every situation they were put in, they had no affect on. They seemed cowardly and not willing to stand up for what they believed in. This pushed me in another direction to believe that every character deserved his or her fate. Ethan, throughout the whole book, would not follow his passions. Wharton wrote, â€Å"You can sell the farm and mill, and keep the money. His pen paused on the word†¦ †(201). Ethan was writing to Zeena, saying he was going to leave the farm in her care and try his luck West. But, he never really went along with it, he couldn’t ever pull himself up to execute his passion to run off with Mattie. Ultimately, I have mixed feelings over the topic about whether the characters deserve their fate or not. If I had to pick one it would be that no character deserves his or her fate because they had no control over them. I think Edith Wharton aims at teaching the reader a lesson about being in control of your own life. To not let others control your life and to be the pilot of your own life. Wharton used the concept of fate to teach the reader how choices of others could cause ruckus in your own life How to cite Ethan Frome, Essay examples Ethan Frome Free Essays Matt Grann January 4, 2009 Ethan Frome is an example of realist text for many reasons. The novel has many gritty facts of life and explains the lower class. It also has shows the harshness of reality. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethan Frome or any similar topic only for you Order Now Finally, Ethan Frome is an example of men having no free will and can’t avoid their fate. Ethan Frome shows examples of Realism because of the gritty facts portrayed throughout the novel. It shows many things that make the lower class of life seem horrible and harder than what used to be thought of the poorer men. The upper class felt that poor people had no worries, but as a person would read realist text, they would realize that the poor life is hard and unrewarding. A gritty fact that is placed throughout the novel is that Starkfield is barren town. It is deserted, with limited townspeople and visitors. Also, the snow is not plowed, he has to drive himself around in the weather, and it shows him doing extremely trivial things. Frome scrambled†¦ heavily booted foot†(pg 21), shows that it is extremely hard for him to make it through the snow, and him walking through the snow as a challenge is such a trivial thing, yet it brings a new character into the story by causing so many problems. He does many other  trivial things throughout the novel that are explained, such as doing mill work, scrubbing the floor and doing dishes. This shows the worst parts of life, and shown throughout the whole book to show the problems that Starkfield faces. Harshness of reality shows realism because of the problems Ethan end sup facing throughout the book. The winter is a problem that everyone faces, in each and every persons reality. This is unavoidable and just causes a hastle on Fromes life. Being married to Zeena is also another example of the harshness of reality, he has serious issues concerning Zeena and is unhappily married to her, yet he can do nothing to change what goes on in his life. Ethan says â€Å"he was seized with an unreasoning dread of being left alone on the farm; and before he knew what he was doing he had asked her to stay with him. He married Zeena for the sole reason of fearing being alone in winter and going crazy. Another is that he could not go to college because of his parents deaths. His mother and father both died while he was attending school and he was forced to come home and take over the family business and take care of the farm. It is unfortunate for Ethan because he was on the road to becoming great yet when his parents died he was forced to give up his dream. No free will also poses another issue in Frome’s life and portrays realism strongly in Ethan Frome. The fact that he can’t avoid his fate is a strong topic throughout the novel. He can’t leave the house and go with matt because he will not have enough money to take her anywhere. The narrator states â€Å"There was no way out – none. He was a prisoner for life, and now his one ray of light was to be extinguished†, and this makes him realize life can never be fixed and get better. And he also cannot stay at home, because he loves Mattie and not Zeena so he is stuck in a dilemma, and can’t avoid what was meant to be. Also his mother died in winter, which made him feel as if he would go crazy if he was stuck in the house alone all winter, which made him ask Zeena to stay with him even though he did not love her. This is just a reason of chance, and ended up being his fate. Also he tries to escape his fate, and die with Mattie but he is meant to drag on his life with Zeena for as long as possible. Ethan Frome shows examples of realist text. It shows the gritty facts of life that exploit the lower class. This show harshness of reality in the novel as well. Also, it is an example of no free will, and that you have no way to avoid your fate. How to cite Ethan Frome, Papers Ethan Frome Free Essays Ethan Frome: Prisoner of Sheer Bleakness Ethan Frome, the striking, disfgured man of Starkfield and main character of the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, serves as an instance where a character has endured a significant event from the past that has affected the character in a negative way. Due to Ethan’s harsh past that led to his repression away from society and internal moral entanglement, his activities and values in life were decrepitly modified. In the novel, certain personal circumstances surrounding Ethan Frome’s early life contribute to the outcome of his pitiful life beginning with the earliest of woeful ircumstances in Ethan’s life †his parents’ sickliness. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethan Frome or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shortly after graduating high school, Ethan attends a university where he studies his two passions†science and technology. This event allows the reader to view one of the few positive events in Ethan’s life. After graduating he plans on escaping from Starkfield, which the reader later finds to be Ethan’s geological and personal prison, but, soon after he begins University, Ethan’s father and mother become ill. Ethan is forced to move back to the Frome’s farm due to his strong willed morals, but when his father passes away, he is orced to take care his ill mother as well. Ethan’s future wife Zeena, comes to care for his mother. This first sequence of circumstances allows the reader to view not only a glimpse of Ethan’s moral values but Just how melancholic Ethan’s early personal life begins to become. His mother, being Ethan’s main source of attention and social interaction before her illness, stops talking to him and soon after dies, which leaves Zeena to be left with Ethan. Even though Zeena is viewed wicked by the reader, she is an interest to Ethan since she talks to him after his mother stopped and Ethan enjoys t. Being that it was winter, the most dreadful of seasons for Starkfield and the fact that he feels he owes her for caring for his mother, Ethan is summoned by his fear of loneliness and contending his morals and marries Zeena. Initially, Ethan plans on moving away from Starkfleld with his new bride; however, Zeena, too, becomes ill. With Zeena’s illness now becoming a hurdle in Ethan’s race for freedom from the grim Starkfield, morally he tends to her needs and cares for his wife. Zeena, now ill, is no longer conversing as much with Ethan as before his mother’s death and becomes n apparent hypochondriac and speaks in an obnoxious â€Å"flat whine. †Zeena is also shaping into an unattractive, old woman. Easily, Ethan could leave Zeena and escape Starkfield, but his morals prevent this from occurring. Yet again, Ethan endures another tragedy in his life and where his morality dwindles his chances of escaping Starkfield. Ethan and Zeena’s marriage becomes bland and unappetizing to the both of them, and since the two are isolated from the rest of Starkfield, Ethan longs for social activity. However, this is the case until Zeena decides to appoint her cousin, Mattie Silver, to live at the Fromes’ farm with them and work as a housekeeper. Unlike Zeena, Mattie is is young, attractive, and has an interest in speaking to Ethan. Unfortunately, Mattie is inexperienced and has no knowledge of housekeeping and is naive. Upon Mattie’s arrival, Ethan is skeptical of the idea of having to pay for a housekeeper. Later, Ethan learns Mattie has came to live with the Fromes’ in order to feelings for Mattie (because she is livelier than Zeena) but is unable to fully pursue a relationship with her due to his marriage to Zeena because of his moral character. Mattie, who talks to Ethan and gives him the attention he yearns for, is the driving force behind Ethan’s new found happiness. Together, Mattie and Ethan enjoy conversing about Ethan’s lessons on science and technology which eventually leads to their outdoor walks and their discussions about their love for nature. Initially, Ethan is not physically having a relationship with Mattie due to his moral values, but envisioning one. Zeena, being an observant woman, realizes Ethan’s changes and behavior for example his interest in bettering his appearance, specifically for Mattie. Ethan finds his way in a place of confusion, his happiness is because of Mattie, but morally he couldn’t develop anymore of a romantic relationship with her because of his wife Zeena. Zeena decides to replace Mattie after her suspicion of a relationship between Ethan and Mattie sparks. Ethan becomes upset; â€Å"She had taken everything else from him; and no she meant to take the one thing that made up for all the others†. While escorting Mattie to her departure, the two decide to go sledding which results in act of attempt suicide to embody their love, but during the course of action, Ethan’s morals†get the best of him. After the accident with Mattie, Ethan’s life goes down hill. With a now disfigured body, a pitiful wife, and a paralyzed lover, Ethan Frome has now become a prisoner of Starkfield; â€Å"He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, and incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface;. †Negatively, the accident affects his present and future lives because he not only becomes an outcast to society but â€Å"the most striking fgure†. Left with having to aide Mattie in her physical impairment in his overty stricken home, he also deals with producing an income as well as no escape from Starkfield whatsoever. Unfortunately, Ethan no longer has memory of his beloved Mattie since she has now a reflection of another whiny, wicked â€Å"Zeena â€Å", . if [Mattie] ha’ died, Ethan might ha’ lived; and the way they are now, I Frome .. don’t see’s there’s much difference between the Fromes up at the farm and the Fromes down in the graveyard; ‘cept that down there theyre all quiet, and the women have got to hold their tongues. †Ethan’s moral value is questioned when he could ave avoided his disastrous life but Just avoiding confrontation with his issues. His life becomes more dreadful than death itself. Now living in absolute pity because of the disastrous events that occurred in his life, Ethan Frome becomes a prisoner of unhappiness in his own home. All together with the death of his parents, his debt to his sickly wife, and his tragic accident which left him disfgured, Ethan Frome’s repression from society and internal moral entanglement not only prevented him to never escape the harsh and bleak winters of Starkfield but, led him to become†a ruin ofa man. How to cite Ethan Frome, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Richard milhous nixon Essay Example For Students
Richard milhous nixon Essay Richard Milhous NixonRichard Milhous Nixon, 37th president of the United States (1969-1972), was born on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. Nixon was one of the most controversial politicians of the twentieth century. He built his political career on the communist scare of the late forties and early fifties, but as president he achieved dtente with the Soviet Union and opened relations with the Peoples Republic of China. His administration occurred during the domestic upheavals brought on by the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. He was re-elected in 1972 by an overwhelming margin, but less than two years later he was forced to become the first man to resign the presidency amid the scandal and shame of Watergate. He staged a difficult political comeback in 1968, after purportedly retiring from politics, and by the end of his life, he had shed some of the scourge of Watergate and was once again a respected elder statesman, largely because of his record on foreign poli cy. He died on February 22, 1994. His writings include three autobiographical works, Six Crises (1962), RN: the Memoirs of Richard Nixon (1978), and In the Arena (1990). Early Political CareerNixon came from a southern-California Quaker family, where hard work and integrity were deeply-rooted and heavily emphasized. Always a good student, he was invited by Harvard and Yale to apply for scholarships, but his older brothers illness and the Depression made his presence close to home necessary, and he was attended nearby Whittier College, where he graduated second in his class in 1934. He went on to law school at Duke University, where his seriousness and determination won him the nickname Gloomy Gus. He graduated third in his class and applied for jobs with both large Northeastern law firms and the FBI His applications were all rejected, however, and he was forced to go home to southern California, where his mother helped get him a job at a friends local law firm. At the outbreak of World War Two, Nixon went to work briefly for the tire-rationing section the Office of Price Administration in Washington, DC, and eight months later, he joined the Navy and was sent to the Pacific as a supply officer. He was popular with his men, and such an accomplished poker player that he was able to send enough of his comrades-in-arms money back home to help fund his first political campaign. Shortly after returning from the war, Nixon entered politics, answering a Republican party call in the newspaper for someone to run against the five-term Democratic Congressman, Jerry Voorhis. Nixon seemed the perfect man for the job, and he was welcomed generously by the California Republican party, who considered him salable merchandise.The style of Nixons first campaign set the tone for the early part of his political career, where he achieved national renown as a fierce anti-Communist. He accused Congressman Voorhis of being a communist, and even went so far as to hav e campaign workers make anonymous calls to voters stating that as a fact and advising that a vote for Nixon was therefore the best move. This sort of straightforward communist-baiting was new at the time, and fear of the Soviet Union, who appeared to be spreading its influence throughout Asia (China fell to Mao Tse-tsungs communist forces in 1949), made it a particularly persuasive tactic. Of course I knew Jerry Voorhis wasnt a communist, Nixon later said, but I had to win.Nixon defeated Voorhis with sixty percent of the vote, and upon taking his seat in Congress, he became the junior member of the infamous House Committee on un-American Activities. Nixons dogged pursuit of Alger Hiss, a former adviser to Franklin Roosevelt and one of the organizers of the United Nations, brought him national exposure. Hiss had been accused of being a communist and of transmitting secret State Department documents to the Soviets, and though many believed him innocent, Nixon fiercely pushed the case forward, eventually getting Hiss convicted of perjury and jailed. At the age of thirty-five, Nixon was a national figure, and he rode this fame to an easy victory in his senate race against three-term Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas in
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