Sunday, August 23, 2020
A Short Summary of the Persian Wars
A Short Summary of the Persian Wars The term Greco-Persian Wars is believed to be less one-sided against the Persians than the more typical name Persian Wars, yet the majority of our data about the wars originates from the champs, the Greek side. Greek student of history Peter Green portrays it as a David and Goliath battle with David waiting for political and scholarly freedom against the solid religious Persian war machine. It wasnt only Greeks against Persians, nor were all the Greeks on the Greek side. Strife started before the standard beginning date of the Persian Wars; be that as it may, for functional purposes, the term Greco-Persian Wars covers the attacks of Greece by two Achaemenid Persian rulers from around 492 B.C. to 449/448 B.C. Sooner than the (for the most part fizzled) endeavors by the Persian rulers Darius and Xerxes to control Greece, Persian King Cambyses had broadened the Persian Empire around the Mediterranean coast by retaining Greek states. Some Greek poleis (Thessaly, Boeotia, Thebes, and Macedonia) joined Persia, as did other non-Greeks, including Phoenicia and Egypt, yet numerous Greek poleis, under the initiative of Sparta, particularly ashore, and under the strength of Athens, adrift, restricted the Persian powers. Prior to their intrusion of Greece, Persians had been confronting revolts inside their own domain. During the Persian Wars, revolts inside Persian regions proceeded. At the point when Egypt revolted, the Greeks helped them. Synopsis Locations: Various. Particularly Greece, Thrace, Macedonia, Asia MinorDates: c. 492-449/8 B.C.Winner: GreeceLoser: Persia (under kings Darius and Xerxes) When Were the Greco-Persian Wars? The Persian Wars are generally dated 492-449/448 B.C. Be that as it may, struggle began between the Greek poleis in Ionia and the Persian Empire before 499 B.C. There were two terrain intrusions of Greece, in 490 (under King Darius) and 480-479 B.C. (under King Xerxes). The Persian Wars finished with the Peace of Callias of 449, however at this point, and because of activities taken in Persian War fights, Athens had built up her own domain. Struggle mounted between the Athenians and the partners of Sparta. This contention would prompt the Peloponnesian War during which the Persians opened their profound pockets to the Spartans. Medize Thucydides (3.61-67) says the Plataeans were the main Boeotiansâ who didn't Medize. To Medize was to submit to the Persian lord as overlord. The Greeks alluded to the Persian powers on the whole as Medes, not recognizing Medes from Persians. In like manner, we today dont recognize among the Greeks (Hellenes), yet the Hellenes were not a unified power before the Persian intrusions. Individual poleis could settle on their own political choices. Panhellenism (joined Greeks) got significant during the Persian Wars. Next, when the brute attacked Hellas, they state that they were the main Boeotians who didn't Medize; and this is the place they most commend themselves and misuse us. We state that on the off chance that they didn't Medize, it was on the grounds that the Athenians didn't do so either; similarly as a short time later when the Athenians assaulted the Hellenes they, the Plataeans, were again the main Boeotians who Atticized. ~Thucydides Singular Battles During the Persian Wars first NaxosSardisEphesusLade2nd NaxosEretriaMarathonThermopylaeArtemisiumSalamisPotideaOlynthusPlataeaMycaleSestusByzantiumEionDoriskosEurymedonProsopitisSalamis and Cyprus End of the War The last clash of the war had prompted the demise of the Athenian chief Cimon and the annihilation of the Persian powers in the zone, yet it didnt give unequivocal force in the Aegean to the other side or the other. The Persians and Athenians were both worn out and after Persian suggestions, Pericles sent Callias to the Persian capital of Susa for dealings. As indicated by Diodorus, the terms gave the Greek poleis in Ionia their self-governance and the Athenians made a deal to avoid battling against the Persian ruler. The arrangement is known as the Peace of Callias. Verifiable Sources Herodotus is the chief source on the Persian Wars, from Croesus of Lydias success of the Ionian poleis to the tumble off Sestus (479 B.C.).Thucydides gives a portion of the later material. There are additionally later verifiable authors, including Ephorus in the fourth century B.C., whose work is lost with the exception of pieces, yet was utilized byDiodorus Siculus, in the first century A.D. Enhancing these are Justin (under Augustus) in his Epitome of Pompeius Trogus,Plutarch (second century A.D.) Biographies andPausanias (second century A.D.) Geography. Notwithstanding verifiable sources, there is Aeschylus play The Persians. Key Figures Greek MiltiadesThemistoclesEurybiadesLeonidasPausaniasCimonPericles Persian Darius IMardoniusDatisArtaphernesXerxesArtabazusMegabyzus There were later fights among Romans and Persians, and considerably another war that may be thought of as Greco-Persian, the Byzantine-Sassanid War, in the sixth and mid seventh century A.D.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Extended Disk Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Expanded Disk Leadership - Essay Example Numerous individuals for the most part believe that a pioneer ought to be an individual who can be dreaded by their subjects so they can not set out to conflict with the desires or directions given. I have recently understood this is an extremely off-base thought, as a pioneer who is dreaded is a danger to the association as it is conceivable that the subjects won't be allowed to impart thoughts to the person in question. Considering the way that I am social, I accept this can rouse my subjects as they would be allowed to disclose to me anything that they feel is significant that I should know, as I will have made a helpful situation for their tasks, which thus propels them to perform better. One thing that I don't constantly like is settling on all the choices of a large portion of the choices in whichever bunch that I am a piece of. This is a trademark that a decent pioneer ought to have as nobody is constantly 100% right. All the partners ought to consistently be included, as a po rtion of the laborers who are typically disregarded or even considered as lesser creatures consistently have some great and valuable thoughts that can help in the development of an association to an enormous degree. At the point when the representatives are associated with the dynamic procedure, they are caused to feel as though they are a piece of the association, which even inspires them further (Extended Disk Leadership Analysis, 2011). Accordingly, this Extended Disk investigation has been critical to me since it has empowered me to see the characteristics of a decent pioneer that I didn't have the foggiest idea.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
The Impact of Teachers - Free Essay Example
As a teacher you are given the opportunity to largely impact your students lives. Throughout my education I have experienced a variety of teaching style. Some of my past teachers have left the impact on me that I will strive to leave on my students, and others merely left a dent. Experiencing this helped me to be able to see the characteristics that compile a good teacher, and those that do just the opposite. As a future educator my passion is to become a teacher that my students can look back on and say, She impacted my life and prepared me for what was to come. I believe that every student has the right to quality education and learning. There are several educational philosophies that are tried and true when it comes to becoming a successful teacher, and having success in your classroom. The key is to figure out which philosophy best fits with the way you intend to connect with your classroom. In my opinion, the progressivism theory best connects and fits me. I feel that progressivism best fits me because it is my belief that education is centered around the whole child, rather than the content or teacher. I believe in learning by doing is a way to effectively help students learn problem-solving skills, and help prepare them for situations in and out of the classroom. It is easy to stand in front of a classroom and lecture all day, but what percentage of your students actually retained the content you are trying to teach them? How many students actively sat and listened without letting their minds and attention wander off onto something else? John Dewey was a philosopher and strong believer of the progressive theory of education, he believed that learning should be active instead of passive. His system helps students to learn and develop life skills that can be used in other aspects outside of a classroom. The progressive theory embraces the idea that we as teachers should encourage a student on how to think rather than throwing them a test to see if they have obtained the information and are considered to be educated. Experiential learning is based upon developing students with skills like having good teamwork, being able to have creative thinking, and work independently. Having a student that is prepared to work with a team and tackle problems independently sets them ahead for real life situations that can occur for them. During some of my observations I learned quickly that students are quick to engage in learning through progressive teaching. One day, the teacher allowed students to walk up to the smart board and work the problem out in front of other students. As the student was working the problem out, other classmates helped walk the student through any confusing spots he came across until they figured it out as a whole before asking the teacher for help. It was great seeing th e students so engaged and interested in helping one another to figure out the problem rather than the teacher walking around and helping them one on one as they worked alone. Being a more progressive teacher means to be a facilitator who encourages the classroom to think and question what is around them rather than leading the classroom from the front and hoping it sticks with them. By supporting the progressive philosophy of teaching means to support a form of learning that makes going through school a more enjoyable time of their life, and not just a phase they have to go through during childhood and ends when they become an adult. Being able to help students learn and get the education they need is everything, but to be able to do that plus incorporate skills that they can use throughout their life means even more. Encouraging students to explore the goals of learning is more of a value for me than memorization. As a teacher making sure my students can actively engage in problem solving is a huge goal for myself. I want my students to learn, but also knowing how to address problems by creativity, problem-solving, and brainstorming. I believe that these are good qualities for them to have to be able to be successful in real life. While getting observation hours in, I was able to distinguish teachers using several different teaching theories. Personally, the teachers who based the learning around their students, and engaged in more of a hands-on learning experience are the most effective. The progressivism approach relates to standard two and four in the Kentucky Teaching Standards. Standard two is that the teacher designs and plans instruction. In any approach that you choose to teach in your classroom it is important that you create lesson plans accordingly based on your way of teaching. With progressive teaching it is imperative that you would plan and design instruction for more of a learning by doing aspect. While creating a hands-on approach to the learning you must make sure your students are able to apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, think and solve problems, become responsible team members, and integrate knowledge. Standard four says that teachers are to implement and manage inst ruction. Progressivism really encourages students to think creatively and brainstorm. Encouraging your students to think and question the world around them is a way to facilitate higher order thinking which is what standard four encourages. Progressivism in my opinion coincides with higher order thinking. Its all about teaching the student to think outside of the normal to reach higher goals and achieve more success. The University of the Cumberlands Standard 12 to demonstrate behaviors that support the Kentucky School Professional Code of Ethics says to provide students with professional education services in a nondiscriminatory manner and in consonance with accepted best practice known to the educator. What better way to support the idea of the best interest of the student rather than applying progressive teaching in your classroom. This engages students in active learning, learning by doing, and more of a hands on approach in learning. All of these help to better engage the student in daily activities and keep their attention so that they can apply what they learn to other situations throughout their life. Progressive education instills the students with the ability to be themselves, and create a new desire for learning that other teachers may not be able to create with other approaches of teaching content. When students are active learners they are able to tackle problems head on and do it co nfidently whether it be as a teammate or independently. Progressive teaching displays an approach for success of learning in the classroom, thus providing the best practice known to the educator as the standard 12 requests.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Story Of Moon Valley - 1613 Words
Dust billowed behind the car as it moved along the gravel driveway. It turned the corner and Mrs Galloway’s tan-gloved hand gave a final wave from the rear window before the car disappeared through the gate. I closed my eyes for a moment with relief she’d gone. By a miracle of timing I was free. It was over, but could I forget, or would the memories haunt me for years? Mr Frobisher clapped a large hand on my shoulder. It felt warm and firm. Safe. I glanced up. The man wore an easy-going smile on his weathered face and the lines around his eyes crinkled under his bushy grey eyebrows. â€Å"Come on, Lad,†he said. â€Å"Let me show you where you’ll sleep.†Warming to him, I half returned the smile, picked up my scarred suitcase and followed his lead.†¦show more content†¦Sam and Bert sleep in the next rooms. You’ll meet them at dinner.†The room looked bare; a bed, a chair and a dresser, chipped sickly yellow painted walls and a small window, its curtain wafting in the breeze. At least I didn’t have to share the room with eleven other boys as I had at the orphanage. Of greater importance, I need no longer fear Doctor Mangle. I shivered; not from cold, but memories. â€Å"I’ll leave you to unpack,†said Mr Frobisher. â€Å"Have a look around the place. When you hear the dinner gong, you’ve got five minutes to be at the house. Use the back door.†He wasn’t a man to waste words, but his manner was amiable. He raised his palm in a parting salute and walked out leaving the barn door open. I stood for a few seconds, taking in my new home. The silence yelled in the emptiness of the room. I’d forgotten how silence felt. It didn’t exist at the orphanage. During the day, shrieks of children’s laughter, chattering, clangs from the kitchen and the hum of the vacuum cleaner packed the air. At night, rhythmic breathing, coughs and creaking bedsprings gave constant background ambiance. Here, birds outside twittered in the trees and leaves rustled softly in the breeze. A horse snorted in a nearby paddock. Sounds floated past, without sharp intrusion into the room. The breeze refreshed and calmed me. I hoisted my suitcase onto the bed. With a click, I released the catches and liftedShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of The Landscape Essay1653 Words  | 7 Pagesas we drove through the valley, each offering wine tasting to anyone who is keen to sample their BC wine. We stopped at Stoneboat Vineyards, a family owned winery only 20 minutes from downtown Osoyoos. The lovely Julie Martiniuk greeted us, who together with her husband Lanny, purchased a 15 acre-orchard in 1979 and planted their first vines in 1983. 40 Years later, they now have over 48 acres and are producing award winning wines. Each winery has its own interesting story, and Stoneboat is no exceptionRead More Use of Symbols and Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Essay1326 Words  | 6 Pagespersonalities and time periods. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Seeing And Making Culture - 1053 Words
Instr. Sarah McMahon Evelyn O’Brien Eng 122 8/30/15 Rhetorical Analysis I liked bell hook’s essay â€Å"Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor†. Bell assesses the light in which higher class people view the poor or lower class. Bell hooks, also known as Gloria Watkins grew up in a small Kentucky town where her father worked as a janitor for the local post office. As one of seven children she was taught that money and material possessions did not make her a better person but hard-work honesty and selflessness determined character. Her hard work landed her acceptance into Stanford University. Although she received various scholarships and loans, her parents worried that she would not have enough for books and supplies or emergency funds. Regardless of this, belle went on to earn a Ph.D. Her experiences and education earned her a very good reputation and even an authority writing critiques on popular culture and diversity (hooks 431-432). She uses ideas in her essay â€Å"Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor†, tha t stem from her own personal experiences with poverty to add credibility to her writing, as well as examples from pop culture and mass media to demonstrate how these representations portray the lower class in ways that radiate negative stereotypes. She wrote the essay because she saw how the poor had many assumptions made about them. It wasn’t until college thought that she made that discovery. She discovered how unjustly they were represented due to theShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis : Seeing And Making Culture907 Words  | 4 PagesRhetorical Analysis: Seeing and Making Culture In ‘Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor’ by Bell Hooks, issues involving the poor and the rich in the society are brought to light. Hooks addresses issues such as how the poor are viewed in the community, common assumptions about the poor, and how the poor are represented in the media. In her analysis, it is evident that those living in poverty are grossly misrepresented. This misrepresentation affects these people’s daily lives. Hooks firstRead MoreAnalyzing The New Techniques I Have Learned As A College Student Writer960 Words  | 4 Pageshave learned as a college student writer, the themes of culture and language, ethical appeal and researching. You most likely have no idea what any of these projects and assignments are about, or what they consist of. This brief description is to help you understand, and it is brief because I don t want to overwrite and confuse you or anything. The first paper we wrote in class was the Language Analysis. I wrote in class was the Language Analysis. The paper depended on particular dialect we addressRead MoreUnderstanding Of Society s Portrayal Of The Poor1565 Words  | 7 Pages Emily,Vanessa,David Rhet 105-11am A Current Understanding of Society’s Portrayal of the Poor In this analysis we will be focusing on bell hooks’ essay, â€Å"Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor.†In the essay bell hooks tackles issues about misrepresentation of poor people in today’s society and how the media can skew reality. She notes that society sees the poor as people who are sub par and unimportant, as well as possessing fruitless qualities such as laziness, shameRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Disneys Frozen1219 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis: Disney’s Frozen Walt Disney Productions prestige is to never disappoint and their latest movie Frozen, is no exception. The movie centers around the lives of two sisters, kind-hearted Anna and the frightened Snow Queen Elsa. 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The result is a complex visual experience that addresses the use of images in producing knowledge and making history. Photographs are re-collections of the past. This essay is about photography, memory, and history and addresses the relationship between photographic images and the need to remember; it is based on the notion that seeing is a prelude to historical knowledge and that understanding the past relies on the ability to imagine. At the same time, the role
Conquering My Fear free essay sample
Can this be happening again? The frustration radiates, and my coach knows how I am feeling. Practice lasts two hours, but I continue working on my dives. Tomorrow is the meet. I go home and lie in bedâ€â€and what is supposed to be the most relaxing time becomes stressful and unpleasant. Fears invade my thoughts. I try to visualize myself doing the dive but it cuts short. Why can’t I see it? No one can tell me the answer to that: not my coach, not a sports psychologist, nobody. This isn’t the first time I have dealt with this. For 12 years of my life, I did gymnastics. At age 10, I trained at the USA Gymnastics Olympic Training Center. My dream was to compete on the USA Olympic gymnastics team. But competition comes with pressure. And the year after competing in Junior Olympic Nationals, my body stopped doing several skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Conquering My Fear or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I wanted to do the skills, but I couldn’t. I talked with coaches, mentors, athletes, and even a sports psychologist. But my brain wasn’t allowing me to do it. And eventually I stopped enjoying gymnastics. After months of pain, tears and frustration, I ended my gymnastics career. And the decision to stop, short of reaching my Olympic goal, haunts me. What’s the difference with diving? That is the question that I am consistently asking myself. I arrive at the pool, put on my suit and start warming up. Warm-ups move quickly and then the youngest girl on the team starts sobbing. â€Å"I still have four more dives and none of them were good in practice yesterday,†she says. â€Å"Just relax and don’t worry about your practice yesterday. Start with a clean slate. Think positively.†I know how she feels. Warm-ups are over, and the tension builds. Trying to avoid my fears, I concentrate on my breathingâ€â€in through my nose, out through my mou thâ€â€in a method I have been taught. My competitiveness pushes me through. The seventh round approaches. My mind is lost. But I want it badly. So I gather the girls for a pep talk: â€Å"Only four more rounds. Go out there and finish strong. Make every dive count. I know you all can do it. You train for this. You know what to do. Let’s go out there and finish what we came here to do.†My teammates complete their dives and I do too. And I’ve learned my inner voice and confidence have been my answer all along. I no longer allow myself to give up like I did in gymnastics. Instead, I focus on my discipline, mental toughness, and positive attitudeâ€â€because I know that’s what allows me to succeed in my academic and life goals.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism Essay Essay Example
Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism Essay Paper Life is play ; playing functions in relation to other people. Interest in the interaction of linguistic communication and action. Symbolic Interactionistâ€â€Language is symbolic action. â€Å"Verbal symbols are meaningful Acts of the Apostless from which motivations can be derived ( Griffin. p. 329 ) . †â€Å"Human beings†¦are a symbol-creating. symbol-using. and symbol misusing animate being ( Littlejohn. 1978. p. 69 ) . †A theory of Motivesâ€â€why do people move ( peculiarly rhetorically ) the manner they do? Assess motivations. Texts/Speeches created by people to â€Å"DO SOMETHING. †Can be analyzed to find what it is they are seeking to make. Distinguishes human â€Å"Action†from Animal â€Å"Motion†We will write a custom essay sample on Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Action MotionDone on intent ; Behaviors that are non-voluntary behaviour purposeful/non-meaningfule. g. DramatismAll animate beings and objectsPeoplehave gesture Forms of ThoughtThe survey of gesture is?mechanismUnderstood through motivations? Pentad( tool for understanding motivations ) Motivation: Linguistic Merchandise of Rhetorical Action Created a Grammar of Motives ( â€Å"grammar†significance regulations. rules. elements. construction and/or book ) Motivations are viewed by Burke in footings of internal beginnings of action ; but instead in footings of how linguistic communication and footings are used to do actions apprehensible. Guilt as Motive: guilt is an â€Å"all-purpose word for any feeling of tenseness within a personâ€â€anxiety. embarrassment. self-hatred. disgust. etc. ( Littlejohn. 1978. p. 70 ) . †We communicate to purge ourselves of guilt. Guilt arises out of linguistic communication. Three beginnings of guilt:1. The Negative: Language allows for regulations. ethical motives. etc. that surround us and we can’t escape violating. 2. The Principle of Perfection: Language allows us to â€Å"imagine†the ideal ( should ) . 3. The Principle of Heirarchy: Structure society with viing category and group differentiations We seek salvation ( cut down or extinguish guilt ) through communication/rhetoric/dramatism 1. Chagrin: self-blame 2. Victimage: external enemy is the beginning 3. Scapegoating: incrimination other ( s )Substance: general nature of a thing Consubstantiation: ( shared substance. commonalty ) Designation: ( same as consub ) grades of ; witting or unconscious ;1 ) stuff identificationâ€â€goods. ownerships. things2 ) idealistic identificationâ€â€values. thoughts. feelings. attitudes3 ) formal identificationâ€â€form or agreement ofact/conventions ; functions. imposts. etc. Divisionâ€â€differences with others ( beginning of guilt ) FiveTool for understanding motivations Act SceneAgent Agency Purpose ( Six: Attitude: delayed or inchoate action ) Statement of motivations will reply: What was done ( act ) . when or where it was done ( scene ) . who did it ( agent ) . how it was done ( bureau ) . and why it was done ( intent ) .
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Legalize Gambling Essays - Gambling, Casino, Economics Of Gambling
Legalize Gambling Essays - Gambling, Casino, Economics Of Gambling Legalize Gambling Whether or not to legalize gambling is a tough decision. The pros and cons of the question are almost equal, and while some say it will boost economy others say it can destroy it. No one argues that gambling is a big, profitable business, they only question whether it is a business doing good, or the opposite. Arguments both ways are very compelling and both sides have many examples that demonstrate their point. However, if I were in the position of deciding if gambling should become fully legal in my country I would side with gambling. In many areas of the world gambling has proven an economic success. The growth in jobs, revenue and government money is too large to ignore. Although critics point out areas that have not grown since gambling started, this is mainly because of bad deals with the government or the community and not because of gambling itself. If we look at gambling as a gamble and be careful we can avoid many mistakes that have already been made. Opponents also tout the objectionable moral standards which gambling supposedly encourages. While this may be true, that does not give people the right to stop others from gambling. Many find premarital sex and homosexuality to be morally wrong, but that does not give them the right to stop the behavior. If they find it wrong, then they choose not to participate in the practice. Similarly, people can choose not to gamble but they cannot take that right away from people who do. The economic growth in cities that support gambling has been astou! nding. Billions of dollars a day come in through the casinos, and some of this money is then given to the government helping the economy even more. With the casinos also comes a huge amount of jobs. Construction, management, and many other jobs inside the casino boost local economy even more. Not only the casino benefits from the influx of more tourists but many other businesses will thrive, too. Hotels, restaurants, and others offering services will inevitably be boosted by the gambling business. Some people fear that other, illegal businesses will thrive because of the influx of money in addition to the legitimate ones. This may be true if we kept the same amount of law enforcement, however this will not be the case. With the additional revenue created by the casinos themselves the local authorities can now afford to keep more policemen and deceives on the street and investigating the gambling businesses. Corruption will be effectively held in check and scandal hel! d down. The shadowy background of gambling will slowly disappear as citizens realize that it is a legitimate business. In many areas of the United States gambling is already practiced with lottery and others of the same type. The stock market is also a form of gambling that no one objects about. The missed opportunity that not going with gambling is too large to be ignored and therefore the best choice is institute gambling. Economic gains by gambling are not the only consideration in this choice, one has to remember that many people want casinos near them. If the government is truly of the people and for the people it must follow the public's wish to introduce legalized gambling.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Buy vs Renting Research Paper
Buy vs Renting Research Paper Housing Decision: Should we rent or own a house Sugandha Amatya Narayan Deshar Rajesh Maharjan Suman Shrestha Bibek Tulachan Table Of Content (Jump to) Background Should Mr. X stay in a rented house or buy a house? Calculation of Rent Calculation of Cost of Buying House Calculation of Value Appreciation of Property Analysis of Gain or (Loss) between Staying in Rented House or Buying a House Conclusion  Background The Decision Problem The home ownership analysis to follow is intended to represent as realistically as possible as 2014 current market conditions in the areas two core cities of Kathmandu: – Jahmsikhel and Harisiddhi where the price is relatively low comparing to the first one. A quick survey/sampling of property in several housing areas in Jahmsikhel indicated that a house with market value of Rs 3.1 corer could be rented for approximately Rs 60,000 per month and the house with the market value of Rs 1.01corer in Harisiddhi could be rented for appro ximately for Rs 20,000 per month. Assuming that, there are two couples, each with Rs 40,000 per month. All two have the same gross income in salary and the filing status for income tax purposes. The first couple, designated as Owners,†purchases a home. The second couple, Renters†, decides to rent. The home buyers (Owners and Capita lists) are married and file joint returns. (Their income will be itemized later.) The market costs of their houses at Jhamsikhel is 3.1 corer and in Harisiddhi its 1.09 corer. (For tax purposes in Jhamsikhel Rs 75000 per year and for Harisiddhi it is allocated Rs 18,750 per month for the building.) In addition to that for the building insurance for Jhamsikhel @ 0.12% Rs 1500 per month and Rs 750 per month, Rs 5000 per month at Jhamsikhel and Rs 2000 per month at Harisiddhi, for maintenance cost at Jhamsikhel Rs 3000 per month and at Harisiddhi Rs 1000 per month is allocated. The Renters invest their Rs 20,000 in a money fund that yields 6% yearly. They reinvest the interest income into the fund each year. In the initial year, the Renters pay rent of same amount which is not changed of Rs 20,000. Throughout the 20-year period of the analysis, all variables increase annually at the 6% annual inflation rate. These variables include the couples’ salaries, loan service charge, and loan processing charge, property valuation charge, and mortgage loan payment, building insurance premium, maintenance cost, electricity, water and other utilities costs, depreciation on building, property tax and rental expenses. When discounting after-tax cash flows, we use a 6% interest rate that represents these couples’ market interest rate under inflation. Research Methodology: Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Methodologyis the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is Research Methodology. Research Objectives: The main objectives of conducting the following research are as follows:
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Conservatism and Neo-Ottomanism of the Turkish Political System Essay
Conservatism and Neo-Ottomanism of the Turkish Political System - Essay Example Additionally, in contrast to the modernization movements of many of the governments in the post Ottoman Turkey, the Conservative ideology that has been adopted by the Turkish political system during the past decade (2002-2013) is largely opposed to the westernization of Turkey. For example, the conservatism themes of the Turkish governments within the last decade (2002-2013) has been characterized by a new form of nationalism, marked by attempts to conserve Turkish national values â€Å"ulusalclk†as well and social values such asexuality, family values, gender relations and religious values in the face of the current rapid globalization and perceived Europeanization (Yavuz, 2009). This has been particularly evidenced by the de-westernization and re-traditionalization of the Turkish society that has been witnessed in the country since the Justice and Development Party lead by Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan came to power in 2002. In a recent interview with Financial Times Newspaper, T ayyip ErdoÄŸan described his party’s vision and ideology as seeking to establish a conservative democracy in Turkey which is attached to the traditions, customs and values of the contemporary Turkish society.Finally, despite the fact that the consecutive AKP led governments in Turkey since 2002 have always rejected any association with Islamism or political Islam as part of their ideology, the main ideology of the Turkish political system under the leadership of AKP has been primarily characterized by institutionalization of Turkey’s traditional and religious values
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Safety Supervisors in the work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Safety Supervisors in the work place - Essay Example Most of the accidents caused are directly related to unsafe practices and actions taken by people at workplace. In addition, ancestral causes, social environment, unsafe acts and mistakes lead to accidents or injuries at work place. Just by eliminating unsafe worker behaviors, often referred to as risk behaviors and ignorant behaviors, about 90% of the accidents at work place can be effectively prevented (Taylor, Easter & Hegney, 2004). To increase the safety at work place and to encourage behavior based safety, every organization has its own methodology which it follows. Some organizations lay very rigid safety measures to be followed without fail while some offer spot incentives for fun and get the behavior based safety measures maintained to the best. In few organizations, spot warnings are given to employees that commit defects of faulty and unsafe actions; extreme measures such as dismissal letters are also issued to the defaulters. To positively reinforce behavior based safety actions, supervisors incentivize their staff with goodies, applauds, appreciations etc. At an organizational level, such staff members can be rewarded with monetary incentives. As a safety supervisor, it is important to communicate safety methods and practices to all employees and ensure they understand the significance of safety and reasons for implementing such safety measures.
Friday, January 24, 2020
French Tourism Essay -- essays research papers
France is a country of beauty, mystery, and intrigue. Paris has the most known tourist attractions in the world: The Eiffel Tower, L’arc de Triomphe, and the Louvre to name a few. Paris is called the â€Å"City of Light†; the lighting of monuments and buildings emphasizes the beauty of the architecture in the city.      The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris, if not the entire country. It is one of the most known monuments in the entire world, and definitely one of the most photographed. It began construction in 1887, designed by the engineer Gustave Eiffel, and was finished in 1889 for the International Exhibition of Paris. It was build to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution. At first some French people were very much opposed to the large metal monument, and about 300 people signed a petition opposing it. But now it is a large part of Paris, and can be seen from many places in the city. The tower is 310 meters, and was the world’s tallest building for many years after its construction. The tower was saved from being torn down in 1909 by its antenna that was used for telegraph transmission. It has been used for French radio and then later for French television broadcast. In 1986, new lighting was added to accentuate the metal frame. Some interesting events have happened on the tower over the years: in 1954 it was scaled by a mountaineer, parachuted off of in 1984, and in 1924 a journalist rode a bicycle down from the first level. T...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Case Study Managing a Systems Development Project
Elizabeth A. Humphrey Dr. Tim Brueggemann MBA54001OL November 11, 2012 Managing a Systems Development Project at consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. Situation Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc manufacture a variety of different products for individuals and businesses. Due to ineffective accounts payable system, Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc started a new project called Payables Audit Systems (PAS). The process of beginning this new project was taken very seriously. Roles were assigned and defined. Ted Anderson was the director of the project.Peter Shaw was assigned the responsibility of user project manager. The user project manager was â€Å"responsible for making sure that the system meets the user department’s business needs and that the system is completed on time. †(DeHayes, et al) Linda Watkins was given the duty of being the project director, whose main responsibility was to â€Å"manage the IS people on the project. †(DeHayes, et al) Harr y Carter was assigned the job of IS supervisor. The IS supervisor â€Å"was responsible for integrating all projects in the disbursements area and for allocating IS people to these projects. (DeHayes, et al) A steering group was also appointed and chaired by Ted Anderson. â€Å"The role of the steering group was to approve budgets, determine the business direction of the project, and make any necessary decisions. †(DeHayes, et al. )Communication was a very important part of this project. Therefore, everyone who was chosen to work on the PAS project had to have good communication skills. Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc had been using the CIMS (Computerized Invoice Matching System) system.This system would basically match invoices to purchase orders generated by the computer. Those invoices would then be paid if everything matched. If one minute detail didn’t match, the invoice would not be paid; delaying may accounts payable for an extended period of time. This system was not good for Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc and it was not good for the vendors. Due to the CIMS system being archaic and not meeting the needs of Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc, the project committee recommended developing a new system.The objects of the Detailed Study Report was to decrease the cost of processing vouchers, reduce the number of staff needed for processing vouchers, reduce the amount of time it takes to pay out the vouchers, and â€Å"support systematic integration with transportation/logistics, purchasing, and accounts payable to better facilitate changes due to shifts in business procedures. †(DeHayes, et al) When beginning the Drafts Requirements Study, Linda Watkins was concerned with so many systems dependent on each other being changed at the same time.When she voiced her concerns, she was basically told ‘the show will go on. ’ The last step was for the outline physical design group to take a look at the new system and get it set up. The original idea was for the PAS system to use the mainframe, but then an option of using a LAN was introduced. Using a LAN did cost quite a bit more than was budgeted. Just as the physical design report was being completed, Linda Watkins was in a car accident, leaving her with sever injuries and out of work for an extended amount of time. Ted Anderson was worried.Linda Watkins was the best manager he had and he wasn’t sure where to go from here. He asked his secretary to set up a meeting with IS Director Charles Bunke for first thing the next morning. He needed a plan. Target Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc is currently working on replacing their old CIMS system with the PAS system. Linda Watkins, the project director, was in a car accident and will not be able to return to work for an extended period of time. Ted Anderson, the executive sponsor is concerned and doesn’t quite know where to go from here. Many hours have been put into research ing this new system.It is on the edge of being adopted by the company and is now in danger of falling behind in the adoption process due to Linda Watkins’ car accident. Everyone involved in this project has taken great strides to do their research to ensure this is the right system for Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. This company has done a great job with strategic planning. With all the great planning of this project, it doesn’t appear risks were taken into consideration. When working on and planning a project, â€Å"a good approach is to consistently include risk communication in the tasks you carry out.If you have a team meeting, make project risks part of the default agenda (and not the final item on the list! ). †(Jutte) Where was the plan B for this project? Proposal It appears Consumer and Industrial, Inc needs the PAS system in order to process accounts payable more effectively and efficiently. It appears it will save the company money, as well a s keep the vendors happy. Now that Linda Watkins has been injured and cannot return to work for an extended period of time, Ted Anderson will need to visit with Charles Bunke to come up with another plan to keep this project moving.Ted and Charles will need to meet with the other project managers to determine where to go from here. If the lines of communication stay open and they continue to work as a team, they will come up with a solution to keep the project from being put on the back burner. As stated in the article 8 Steps to Implementing Successful Organizational Change, â€Å"Once a change is planned, it is important to have good communication about the rollout and implementation of the change. A timeline should be made for the implementation and should make changes in the order that affect the process and the employees who manage the process.An effective timeline will allow for all new equipment, supplies or training to take place before fully implemented. Implementing witho ut a logical order can create frustration for those responsible for the work process. †Works Cited DeHayes, Daniel W. , et al. Managing Information Technology. Pearson, 2012. Print. â€Å"8 Steps to Implementing Successful Organizational Change. †http://thethrivingsmallbusiness. com/articles/8-steps-to-implementing-successful-organizational-change/ retrieved from web 10/19/2012
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Issue Of Problem Gambling - 2721 Words
Introduction to the policy you have chosen and why that policy is important†¨ This paper will explore the issue of problem gambling, specifically focusing on problem gambling as a major issue in Australian society. It will also compare Australian gambling institutions with other international gambling institutions including Las Vegas and, more importantly, Macau. Gambling can be defined as an activity involving a participant who allows for something of value or money to be put at risk. This includes playing poker machines, online games that risk the loss of money, cards, casino games, as well as placing bets on sporting events, and purchasing lottery tickets (Beyond Blue, 2010). Gambling is currently a very prominent issue in Australia†¦show more content†¦Gambling problems can create major financial problems, impact negatively on one’s family and other relationships, cause mental health issues such as depression and anxiety due to addiction, and establish exposure of national and international serious organised crime through VIP high rollers that come to Australia to gamble (Besser and Richard, 2014). Therefore it is mandatory for policy regulations to be implemented by Australian federal and state governments with the cooperation of gambling establishments in order to assist in combatting the serious issue of gambling in Aus tralia. Historical background to the issue and any historical precedents to current policy Problem gambling is not a new issue and has occurred throughout the course of history. Gambling has been obvious problem in the Australian community since the arrival of the first fleet (Australian Government, 1999). Over time, more and more people have taken up the addictive activity of gambling that becomes a large problem for many individuals over time. Since the advancement of technology in society, it has created a great impact on problem gambling. For instance, the widespread use of smart phones and tablets with high-tech capabilities has allowed for owners to download games such as poker and play from anywhere at anytime they wish. These applications on mobile devices
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